
Bachelor's in Clinical Laboratory Sciences

参加临床实验室科学学士学位课程,毕业率为96%, 100%的就业率和97%的ASCP考试通过率.

Bachelor’s in Clinical Laboratory Sciences Degree Overview

你喜欢生物和化学实验课程以及一般的科学吗? Do you like puzzles and problem-solving? 你想从事医疗保健和病人服务工作吗? 如果是这样,临床实验室科学专业是你的理想选择. 奥尔巴尼药学与健康科学学院的临床实验室科学课程是你成为一名专业临床实验室科学家诊断病人和治疗疾病的第一步.

临床实验室科学家是医疗团队的重要组成部分, performing 14 billion tests in more than 200,000 clinical laboratories in the United States each year. 它们对于患者样本检测和疾病诊断至关重要, as 70% of all medical decisions involve lab tests. These individuals can work in various settings such as a hospital; clinical chemistry, hematology, or clinical microbiology laboratory; in the biopharmaceutical industry; or at public health agencies.

As a clinical laboratory sciences major at ACPHS, 除了完成临床实习经验外,你还将学习基础科学和临床科学课程, 让你获得科学学士学位和专业证书,以获得该领域的就业机会. 

在你作为临床实验室科学专业的头两年里, 你将获得全面的基础科学基础,并通过人文和社会科学课程广泛接触世界. 

你在这个项目的第三年被认为是你职业生涯的第一年. 你将获得动手实验室经验,这将为你的第四年和最后一年做准备-在这一年你将在医院和诊所体验临床实习.

When you graduate, 你将准备参加美国临床病理学会(ASCP)认证考试,并进入世界上最令人兴奋和最重要的职业领域之一, earning a great salary.

Close up of student holding a beaker filled with blue liquid
What Is Clinical Laboratory Sciences?
临床实验室科学家(也被称为医学实验室科学家)是在医院等环境中工作的医疗保健侦探, clinics, reference laboratories and physician office labs. They are on the frontlines of medicine, 通过仔细执行复杂的实验室程序并确保测试结果的准确性,为医生提供必要的信息以挽救生命.

In your career as a clinical laboratory scientist, 你将在诊断和治疗白血病等危及生命的疾病方面发挥关键作用, heart disease, diabetes and genetic diseases. As a clinical laboratory sciences major, 你将通过使用最先进的教室设备对体液和其他人体样本进行测试来为这个角色做准备.
A student examines test tube during lab
As a clinical laboratory sciences major at ACPHS, 在最后一年的学习中,你将通过临床轮转的经验发展成为一名专业人士.

你将在一名执业医师(被称为导师)的指导下,每学期参加一次轮岗。. 你不仅可以将课堂上学到的知识应用到现实世界中, 但也要与该领域的专业人士建立有价值的联系, which can lead to career opportunities after graduation. Clinical rotation sites include:

• Albany Medical Center Hospital
• Albany Stratton VA Medical Center
• Community Care Physicians' laboratory
• Ellis Hospital
• Glens Falls Hospital
• Nathan Littauer Hospital
• Saratoga Hospital
• St. Mary’s Hospital (Amsterdam, NY)
• St. Peter’s Health Partners
A close up shot of microscope
据估计,2006年进行了140亿次诊断测试,000 clinical laboratories each year in the United States. 每一项测试都需要熟练的临床实验室科学家进行测试,然后分析结果. 从扩大医疗保健覆盖范围到开发新的实验室测试,各种因素意味着全国对临床实验室科学家的需求前所未有.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 从2020年到2030年,临床实验室科学家的就业预计将增长11%, 明显高于其他职业的平均增长率. 根据salary,临床实验室科学家的平均工资是75,474美元.com.


• Albany Medical Center
• CNY Fertility Center (Syracuse, NY)
• Ellis Hospital
• Glens Falls Hospital
• St. Elizabeth Medical Center (Utica, NY)
• St. Peter's Health Partners
• Saratoga Hospital
A student loading sample in the benchtop centrifuge
临床实验室科学理学学士学位是129学分, 该课程为期四年,为您通过ASCP管理的国家认证考试做好准备,成为一名经过认证的临床实验室科学家.

As a clinical laboratory sciences major at ACPHS, you’ll take courses covering a diverse range of topics, including human anatomy and physiology, 生物化学和遗传学——除了人文和社会科学的文科基础.

In your third year, 你将深入到临床实验室科学的专业研究, with courses on clinical hematology, urinalysis and body fluids, clinical chemistry and immunology. 每一门课程都将包括一个实验部分,让你动手练习你将在你的职业生涯中使用的复杂工具和计算机.
Outcome 2021 2022 2023 Three-Year Average
Certification Rate 100 100 90 97%
Graduation Rate 89 100 100 96%
Employment Rate 100 100 100 100%

Program Director: Dr. Michelle Parent M.S., Ph.D., MLS(ASCP)CM 518-694-7314

Next Submissions for Program Review -五年级中期报告:2023年10月1日,自学:2028年10月1日
End Accreditation Date - October 31, 2029